Beyond the thrill of hearing my site’s URL mentioned every few weeks, I was lucky enough to have worlds collide privately on a number of occasions. In the first-season episode where Noel was invited to participate in a student gallery show, graphic panels of DAY 001, DAY 011 and DAY 021 from the Day For Night catalogue were enlarged and displayed on the set of Felicity for Noel’s personal gallery showing; I also got namedropped in the fourth season when Noel and Sean had to present as a web design prototype to a prospective sporting goods client – also named Eric Scott.

Later during the third season, I updated his site independently of the show, in a move to keep it fresh, adding a completely Flash-based navigation, updated CraneFaces, and Noel’s online plea-bargain for employment (“Hire Me – pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease”). This web portfolio got Noel the opportunity in Seattle which first, risked separating him from Felicity, then resulted in his inviting her to leave New York (and Ben) for an opportunity as co-curator of the web-arts projects he was to art direct. When the “dot-bomb” ended, and Noel stayed in NYC, he was able to use the site to extend his personal growth while building up his solo design business before the team joined forces and were absorbed into Webb Graphics.