
Künstfabriken are the full-time side project of Vini Jackson and Peter Sibley. Vini, usually seen or heard playing electric bass and/or keyboards, works by-day for NIGHTlinkRailway as a Platform Attendant, which he says influences the way he plays bass – “like I’m trying to push my way through a crowd of stubborn commuters with their headsets.” Bass player, keyboardist and occasional drummer Jackson regularly drops in on all his friends who own studios, which is where the first EP and debut album were recorded over a span of two-and-a-half months. Peter, in the meantime, is well-versed on his German psychedelic influences and longs for Kosmische, or ‘Krautrock’ played a bigger part in the music they make together…

Notable KÜNSTFABRIKEN projects and appearances include: