Begin by putting all the ideas into a kind of bag. This restores a greater degree of equality between each idea.
This, in turn, builds awareness of the effects (sometimes adverse) which labels can have upon our beliefs about what we create and do.
So de-labeling at the beginning, that is a system that works great for the during any brainstorm.
Proceed to grouping ideas using key words and themes, with the aim to identifying patterns and waves; the peaks where any two ideas resonate through things like rhythm and tempo, and can mutually reinforce one another. This works with all forms of music and art. Visually this happens when we overlay tissues over a backdrop and see the cumulative effect of our decisions emerge along the way.
Identifying a likeness of ideals and purpose is key at such an early stage. Ask: Do all the elements in this subset share an objective?
Eliminate dead weight often… Travel light.