People of Morrowvale – Art Site [Day 083]
Website for Art Installation People of Morrowvale is the contentious artwork cycle created by Graham Woodley in 2018. https://peopleofmorrowvale.uk
Website for Art Installation People of Morrowvale is the contentious artwork cycle created by Graham Woodley in 2018. https://peopleofmorrowvale.uk
Brand Experience, Custom Site Design & Development ContemporaryVisualArts.com is the primary online display venue for new works from artist Woodley. https://contemporaryvisualarts.co.uk
Really, the first thing we need to restore is an immense degree of clarity. Everyone should do an Avatar course. Live deliberately. Create what they prefer. Experience the belief, that what we believe is also what we experience. So if Situationist films, are about film and Situationist books are about literature, then Situationist new media […]
Tchotchkeys, Gilbert Paper Samples.Paper waste and visual diarrhea.Things that look like objects, but whose function has been replaced with the spectacle.Like print samples with images and words, which look like and remind us of books, but which lack a viewpoint, an author, even an idea. Or take VH1, E! and MTV. Networks whose collective vision […]
Look at the perils of discussing a New Age culture. Lots of metaphysical personalities are turned away from a cliché that is populated by unclear language, literature, and music. It attempts to integrate the metaphysical parts of human experience, at a counter-culture level, at the expense of conventional methodlogy, but also at the expense of […]
What will happen to Noel Crane when he graduates? Will he make the logical movement into the agency world of design? A freelancer working on album cover designs? A true non-conformist? * With the exception of Noel’s internet billboard gags.
Beyond the thrill of hearing my site’s URL mentioned every few weeks, I was lucky enough to have worlds collide privately on a number of occasions. In the first-season episode where Noel was invited to participate in a student gallery show, graphic panels of DAY 001, DAY 011 and DAY 021 from the Day For […]
A quaint irony exists in both the quantity and quality of e-mail flooding the server, from an audience both delighted and disoriented by the site’s in-character approach. Television’s fourth wall had not been broken here. Of those who made repeat visits, the appearance of a mostly-finished site waiting there for them prompted a few bewildered […]
A fenced-out view of a row of skyscrapers, masked from the lines of a bar code symbol. The sign poking over the fence reads, with typical New York City abrasiveness: “Don’t even think of stopping here.” The site prompts us to roll the mouse over Noel’s outgoing ad message. We click through into Noel’s landscape […]
The creative premise was that noelcrane.com could be the homepage of any young (and technologically-gifted) college student; somebody noodling with HTML or JavaScript for the first time, trying to make it better whenever they could make time for it; testing it online every night, perhaps not yet at the stage of registering it with the […]
It was Tuesday, November 3rd, 1998 and we had just come out of the commercial breakduring Felicity… The scene was late afternoon, and Noel Crane, residential advisor at New York’s Kelvin Hall found himself sitting before Dean Allison in an episode about academic dishonesty. Noel namedropped his website URL, www.noelcrane.com, for the first time on-air […]
A few months ago, I was sorting through some old files, and I came across a rather curious paragraph, written by me. It was from a note written to myself back in 1998 – rather a difficult year of personal relationships – and it read: Thoughts on Noel Crane…Denial? “Why must I experience all of […]
It’s not the first time that JJ called me with an idea about how to mix the internet and television. We’d had this kind of talk before, so when it came up preceding ALIAS, few words were exchanged, and I already knew pretty much what he wanted to set up; we’d already tested it, to […]
“I sometimes find it difficult to imagine what my life will be like, working some day as a designer or art director in the world of advertising. Special importance is placed upon every designer’s ability to express him or herself clearly; also to be able to explain that work. Its relevance. But more often than […]
It’s a very man-made idea, isn’t it! We think often in terms of a dimensional universe, where we’ve assigned time to be that “unseen” one — just like cartoon characters can’t see the third dimension, we are unable to see time; and yet we assume that it controls us. It’s an interesting hypothesis, that perhaps […]
You can’t label me. I’m an American. I’m an artist too. And speaking at you, as a free-speech artist, I can assure you that your interest in curbing my free speech is threatening me having a good day. Of course, censorship is a big buzz. We are even getting conditioned to respond to the sound […]
Once in a while, notice what happens when one person overwhelms another with information, on a sort of quantitative level. I like to notice this when it happens, it’s really interesting. One day, Fred may be speaking to Lucy on a sort of authoritative kind of level — about servers and computers and streaming technologies. […]
With 3 mains I took my first bash at making ‘serious’ instrumental music. Someone put this idea in my head, for the first time, that to be a proper composer, you had to be a proper pianist. And I had never, until then, considered taking composition studies or lessons in order to define that; I […]
This is the last page. Not to suggest that we’ve actually run out of things to say. This is merely the page at the bottom, which stops the pages above it from spilling out all over the place. © 2001 – 2011 Eric Scott / Editions La Nuit Americaine. All rights reserved. Texts may […]
If you want what you cannot have (and therefore don’t want what you can have), then create want, by first creating a belief that you cannot have what you already do have.
Feel this deliberately: “I am going to feel trulypissed off now. For 10 minutes.” “How does that feel?”
The phone ringing throws me into a brief panic. In a work day, there’s simply too many sales calls incoming to risk the gamble of ending up on the phone talking to a wasteful stranger, and not to have it be a one-sided call you’d otherwise prefer to hang up on. “It’s someone who wants […]
I arrived at the performance; it was an unusual; that is to say, “customized” venue: a blackened hole in the railway cabling, where the audience shuffled in, past a decaying beam and trellis structure. The stage was lit by tungsten green haloes, hung in reinforced lead cables; it was a former tube-hole, with the […]
Represented as an object or tool, like a remote control, or a pair of binoculars, that you keep with you throughout the experience; when pulled out, can take you to a new information level.